Saturday, November 16, 2013

No time to pack? No worries!

Are you finding your move date steadily creeping up and your packing progress staying the same or non-existant?

Need help packing?

Fairprice Movers can help!

Did you know that we offer full packing services?

We can pack all of your loose belongings carefully for you so that you don't have to mess around with it.

We can also just pack the kitchen, garage, or any other space of the house that you are dreading, or wish to have packed professionally.

Not many people know that we offer free use of wardrobe boxes for all of the hanging clothes in your closets, so don't worry about packing up those!

Our employees are trained to pack your items carefully for you so they stand a better chance of not breaking in their boxes during transit.

Also, if we pack for you, our cargo insurance covers the items in the boxes we packed! Which is a huge bonus in case anything goes wrong, you can simply file a claim with our claims department.

Tight on cash? If you want full or partial packing services, we can help you do so and use your materials! Ask your sales associate for a shopping list of items to purchase and provide to our movers to pack for you, this way you are only paying our hourly rate for the packing services, and not for our materials on top of that. Although our packing materials are a fair price as well if you wish to use ours. It's only $6 per box no matter what size you use, $12 per pound of white packing paper, and $12 per dish pack box.

We look forward to custom quoting your full or partial packing move today!

Warmest Regards,

Nancy 408-621-8530

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